Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Keely McAtee
February 4, 2017
Mr. Persinger
Short story

          I screamed myself awake for the 15th night in a row. I can’t believe that I am still having night mares about the accident. It has been three years and I am still having nightmares about the car accidents that killed both my sisters and lead my mother to commit suicide. About 30 seconds after I calmed myself down I heard rumbling and a big crash 2 seconds later my dad came barging in to my room in boxers and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, it took him that long because his room is on the other side of the big house that I call home. I looked at the clock on my bead side table it was 4 am, I can’t believe that I woke this early.
          “Are you ok Sammy?” he came to my side immediately. “Yes I’m great, just the night mare that has been terrorizing me for the last three years. But other than that I’m as perfect as a peach.” I said in the most sarcastic tone.  “Ok it’s about time to go feed the horses and get the day started anyway so why don’t you go start your chores.” He said as he was leaving my room. “Why can’t Randy do it? We hired him to be a ranch hand for a reason” I put an emphasis on ranch hand. Whatever, I need to get up anyway.
          Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself I’m Samantha Burns. But everyone calls me Sammy. I have blonde hair that goes half way down my thigh and brown eyes. I am 5ft 8 inches and have freckles all over my face, I Love pizza and classic rock. My best friend is Jacob Smith and I have the biggest crush on him. I am 16 and I am a junior at West Lincoln High School. I’m the captain of the varsity girl’s lacrosse team. I live in North Dakota with my father. We live on cattle ranch with my three show horses. My dad is a cattle ranch and that is why we live on a big plot of land. This is the story about the person that changed my life forever.
          So as I got dressed I pulled on my cowboy boots and grabbed my thick jacket because even in the spring time the nights are still cold. After grabbing the piece of toast that popped out of the toaster. I started to walk outside but got stopped by the love of my life Jack my new golden retriever puppy that my dad got me for my birth day. I picked him up and took him to the laundry room. Grabbed his bowl and put it down with his puppy chow. I watched him eat as I ate my toast. When he was done he barked as if he wanted more. “Sorry Jack Jack vet said you need to lose some pounds. You look like a potato with fur and limbs.” As I said that last sentence he had a puppy scowl on his face. “By baby” I said and left him in the house. As I headed out side I saw that Randy’s truck was gone. He must be in town getting hay. I started walking towards the barn and saw that the hay was already in the wheel barrow. The least he could do was feed the animals. I grabbed the wheel barrow and pushed it into the barn, I stopped in front of my dad’s horse Maverick and gave him his flake of hay and then went on stopping by Pegasus and Lea. But finally stopping in front of the horse that practically made my famous in the jumping world, Mason. My beautiful palomino horse. He is 13 and still growing. He a stubborn teenager but everyone loves him. I gave him a flake and a half instead of two because he got a little chunky over the winter.
          After feeding the pigs, chickens, and cow I started to walk to the house. I barely got in the front door before Jack started tumbling down the stairs with his favorite toy, a stuffed Santa Clause that I found in the attic a couple of weeks ago. He instantly came to my side with the toy and I grabbed the hat that was connected to Santa’s head. I tried to pull it out of his mouth but failed to and just fell on my butt. I went in the kitchen and looked at the clock.
          “O crap I’m going to be late again.” I started to say as I sprinted up to my room to change. I kicked of my boots and pulled of my jeans and t-shirt I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my hair. As I was drying my hair I pulled on my plaid skirt and button up white t-shirt that had the logo of my school on the front pocket. I pulled my hair in to a tight bun slid on my saddle shoes and was out the door in my red jeep before Jack could squeeze his big butt through the door. I was on my out when I noticed that there was a big present on the passenger seat. O my God I totally forgot that today was my birth day. Today I am 17. That means it is Jacobs birth day also. I ran inside to go get his present. I got him a music book for the piano and a piano tie that I found at the local thrift store. I got back in the car and picked up the present that was on the seat and turned it around in my hands. My dad must have put this in my truck before I left. I put the Back in Black disk by AC-DC in the CD player and rocked out listening to one of my favorite bands. I pulled up to the parking lot of my school just as Thunderstruck was ending. I pulled into my regular spot and got out.
          I grabbed my back pack and the present and headed to the main building. As I walked into my first period class APUS History, I caught a glimpse of Jacob slipping an envelope on my desk then sitting back down in the seat behind me. As I sat down he jabbed my waste and said “Happy Birthday princess Sammy.” I let out a little yelp when he jabbed me and I gave him a playful punch on the arm. “I see that you got the present that I got you.” So it wasn’t my dad, ok. I sat down and started to open the big present but as I got the first flap open the bell rang and Mr. Thompson walked in the door and the class fell silent. This school is different from other schools first we wear uniforms witch sucks, lacrosse is the main sport, and all the students are respectable to the teachers, at least in school. As Mr. Thompson started to talk Jacob slipped a note on to my desk, it said “are you going to open your present or make me wait in suspense until after school.” I wrote back, “maybe.” He started to laugh.
          “Is there something funny about the civil war Mr. Smith, and if there is please tell me so I can make a note about it.” Mr. Thomson said in a (very are you going to test me) tone.
          “No ser, I was thinking of something that I heard yesterday. It was nothing.” Jacob said in a stern tone. I almost spit out the Gatorade that I just drank all over my desk because of what Jacob said made me laugh really hard. I swallowed without trouble and turner around in my chair. “You are truly an idiot Jacob. That is why you are my best friend.” I said and then turned around to face the board. When class ended he followed me to my locker and made me open my present.
          “You will love it. It screams you.” He said as I started to open the flaps. Inside was a necklace that had a horse shoe and a lacrosse stick charm. I started to tear up.
          “O my God I love it is so beautiful.” I gave him a bid hug and started to cry. It was the most beautiful necklace that I have ever seen.
          “Don’t cry Sam; here let me help you put that on. He took it from my hands and turned me around. As he clasped the chain I gave him another hug.
          “Now open the envelope. It is something from my mom and sister.” In the envelope was a box and in the box was a blue turquoise ring that was simple and elegant. “Can your family get any more generous? Thank you so much” I gave him a hug. I made a mental note to stop by his house and thank his mom and sister.
          “Let’s get to class” we walked next to each other and he put his arm around me and I started to laugh. When we got to our next class chemistry we went to our table.
          I will catch you up a bit me, and Jacob are best friends and I have known him since birth. No lie, our mothers were in the same hospital room when giving birth and we have been really good friends for 17 years to day. I grabbed his present from my back pack and gave it to him. He opened it before class started.
          “This is amazing Sammy thank you” he gave me hug and sat down in his seat. When class started a student aide walked in and handed the sub a note.
          “Samantha Burns. Are you here?” he stood in front of the class.
          “Yes I am here.” I got up and went to the front of the class. 
          “Looks like you are needed in head mistress Markova’s office” he said and handed me the note
          “Oooooooooo” the class said at the same time. Like a bunch of second graders Jacob gave me a concerned look as I left the class. As I walked down the hall I got the jitters because Markova scared me just like all of the other students. I entered the office and went straight back to the head mistresses office. When I walked in she was on the phone but motioned for me to sit down in the chair in front of her. When I sat down she ended the phone call.
          “Well Ms. Burns you seem to be adjusting to this school nicely.” She said
          “I have. I have been accustoming to this school for the past three years. Is there a problem.” I said in a sarcastic tone that she did not seem to appreciate.
          “Yes and no. You are doing very well in all your classes and some of your teachers want to move you up to more challenging classes. The down side is that if you are not ready to move up you don’t have to you can stay right where you are. So it is your choice do you want to be moved in to more challenging classes or stay right where you are?” she said as if she was talking to a first grader.
          “I think I would like to move up and try something challenging. Do I still get to be on the lacrosse team?”
          “Yes darling of course. Your new schedule has only five classes so you can leave before period 6 starts and by the looks of this meeting you can go straight home. It was great talking to you and I hope you love your new schedule.” She said
          Great now I get to go home early and hang out with my dad and horses. This is going to be so much fun.
          I went back to my class I gave the sub the note that Markova gave me grabbed my stuff and was out the door before anyone could say anything to me. Went through the gym to get to the parking lot, one of the senior boys was shooting free throws, I started to laugh when he missed one. He must not have known I was there because he quickly turned around and started walking towards me. I fell silent and started to walk again but he still came after me. When he caught up to me and he said
          “Hey how long were you watching me.” “Not long. Why?” I said in a whispered tone. I stopped in front of the door because I was afraid he was going to fallow me to my car.
          “Because I want to know why a pretty girl is watching me play.” He started to laugh and walked away.
          “What’s wrong? You afraid that you missed one shot I am going to tell the whole school.” “Actually yes I am afraid you will tell the whole school that I suck.” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
          “Well I’m not. So goodbye Tommy.” I said and started to walk towards the door.
          “Wait I did not get your, name I’m Tommy White.” “I’m Sammy Burns. Good bye Tommy.” I said and walked out of the door. I walked straight to my car and wondered where I heard that name before. I started my car and realized that it was Tommy’s brother Andrew that killed my sisters. He was the one that caused the accident. I just made friends with the twin brother that tore my family apart forever.